Mrs Rachel Squirrell is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo). She can be contacted via the school office.
At Liscard Primary School we are passionate about inclusion for all our children. Staff have received high quality training across many different aspects of SEND in order to be able to successfully support and provide appropriately for our SEND pupils. Quality first teaching is key for all pupils and always includes a broad and balanced curriculum. Activities are differentiated by task, questioning and resources as well as the support received. Reasonable adjustments are always made in order to allow children to access all areas of the curriculum.
When appropriate additional interventions are also provided either 1:1 or within small groups to support specific areas of need.
Our schools works closely with a range of outside agencies that work cooperatively with school to offer support and advice to both staff and parents around how best to meet a child's needs.
We aim to provide an inclusive environment that promotions a positive culture around SEND and through our collaborative work with the ADHD Foundation have recently achieved the ADHD Friendly Schools Award.
(Throughout all the SEND pages please click on the links and images to take you to further support and information)