Communication Protocol
Protocol on Communication with Parents/Carers
Here at Liscard, our staff are committed to providing the best quality support and education for you and your child, constantly improving their learning and wellbeing. We are proud of our school community and everybody who contributes to the life of Liscard Primary. As part of this, our communications with parents/carers are very important to us and we always strive to ensure that we communicate well with everyone.
How we communicate
Depending on the nature of information or issue, we typically communicate with parents/carers in the following ways:
- In person (though a face-to-face meeting)
- Class Dojo
- Letters (in writing)
- The school website (where the information is relevant to all parents/carers)
In addition, teachers are usually available before/after school, during which time any quick messages can be communicated to them. However, should parents/carers wish to have a longer conversation please make an appointment to speak to the teacher. This helps ensure that the teacher is in the classroom as soon as possible at the start of the day for the children.
If you wish to meet with any member of staff including teachers, year leaders or senior leaders, please do so via the school office email,, or if appropriate, please contact class teachers via class dojo.
Resolving Concerns
If you have a concern or complaint, we would like you to tell us about it. We welcome suggestions for improving our work in school. Be assured that no matter what you are wanting to tell us, our support and respect for you and your child in the school will not be affected in any way. Please tell us of your concern as soon as possible as it is difficult for us to investigate an incident or problem properly when it has happened some time ago.
We always aim to work harmoniously with parents/carers in the best interests of their children and to deal with any issues that may arise in a prompt and professional manner. Most issues can be sorted out quickly by speaking with your child’s class teacher or year leader.
Parents/carers have a right to expect the best for their children and they have a right to express their concerns; at the same time, teachers and pupils must be allowed to work and learn in a safe and secure environment.
If, having spoken to the class teacher or year leader, parents/carers do feel the need to raise a concern in a more formal manner, please arrange to see a member of the SLT.
Please also consult our Complaints Procedure for further guidance.
Acceptable Behaviour and Working in Partnership
It is rare that parents/carers at Liscard would choose to air concerns in an inappropriate manner but sadly, it does happen.
Please Remember: Problems do not get resolved on ‘Facebook’ or other social networking sites. This can really damage your relationships with staff who, inevitably will get to know what you have said. The school will take legal advice where slanderous or defamatory comments are made about the school or individual members of staff.
We want to foster a community where people are treated with respect and courtesy. It is important that parents/carers do not approach a child other than their own about a concern. It is also important that parents/carers do not usually try to address their concerns directly with other parents/carers where those concerns relate to incidents between children that happen in the school.
We are happy to meet with parents/carers to discuss and try to resolve concerns. However, raised voices, aggression, unnecessarily accusatory language, swearing, or threatening behaviour towards staff, pupils or other parents/carers will result in termination of the meeting/or in removal from the premises. In such events (in person or in writing including social media), parents/carers will be warned in writing that a repeat of the behaviour will result in a ban from the school site. In serious cases the police may be called.
Similarly, we will not tolerate confrontational or inappropriate behaviour in public spaces around the school (such as the reception area, corridor etc.), where this behaviour could potentially be witnessed by pupils.
For more information, please see our leaflet; ‘What to do if you have a concern about your child in school’