Road Safety
Car parking at the beginning and end of the school day is a problem at most primary schools. Children and parents/carers arrive and depart in a relatively short period of time and this causes congestion. Movement of cars inside our school gates is restricted between 8:45 and 9:10 in the morning and between 3:00 and 4:30 in the afternoon. This has improved safety within the site, but considerable danger still exists outside the school gates.
There have been instances of:
- cars entering the school site at peak times when children are arriving/leaving;
- cars stopping or parking on the restricted yellow marked areas outside the gates;
- periodic complaints from residents about drivers’ behaviour and vehicle obstruction.
What can parents/carers do to help?
Please walk to school if you can. If you have to come by car, try to lift share with neighbours or friends and observe traffic regulations in the surrounding residential roads. The school has a duty of care to its neighbours. Parking on restricted areas or mounting the pavement is a traffic offence.
Please remember:
- only emergency vehicles will have access to the school grounds between 8:45 and 9:10am and between 3:00 and 4:30pm;
- to try to make these initiatives work for the benefit of pupil safety, local residents and yourselves;
- to leave plenty of time for your planned journey;
- to try to leave your car at home as much as possible and walk instead.You could also consider cycling to/from school, even if just occasionally, as an alternative to using the car. We provide a Bike It cycling training programme each year for our year 5 pupils - cyclists make safer and more considerate drivers in later life!